本周没下雪前,带阿雅去了一趟云大幼儿园。这是阿雅自毕业后,第一次踏进幼儿园校门。虽近在咫尺,却没能回去看看,一晃就是六年! 幼儿园还是那么亲切,干净整洁、井然有序,...
我拍到的云南大学银杏大道小景 2015-12-5...
一年半又过去了,迟迟拖下来的一件事!要改行?需要选择和放弃?不想,也希望不会,但必须开始,因为时不我待、失不再来!那么,让我开始学习,抢先介入吧! 还好,谢谢大家关...
今天有点时间,带孩子去领了两个多月前的比赛奖状云南省青少年艺术节少儿B组舞蹈独舞金奖。时间匆匆,两个月就这么快过去了 比赛中看到了初中组很多优秀选手!只是去磨练了一...
十多年后,为了帮助孩子,重拾吉他!这是我互联网上发表的第一个自弹自唱的视频,对自己有一定纪念意义!勿喷 腾讯备链 这次国庆节,旅游过程中试着给阿雅录了《啊童年》的好...
In order to prevent traffic jams on the National Day, we left Kunming at 0:35 in the morning, and the National Day holiday self-driving parent-child tour began......
做父母,真不容易!无需文字累述,经历过,就能感受...... 六年级,你的孩子课外开小灶了吗?!...
班徽发下来了,采用的是阿雅的完整设计方案。阿雅手绘,太阳花笑得很可爱,设计和太阳花中队很贴近,敢想、敢画、敢参与,首先就值得肯定,祝贺! 记录于2015-9-7...
Childhood, the starting point of life, is a beautiful memory like a dream; childh...
The competition venue for martial arts and other sports in the Games was so coinc...
The following is the wonderful performance video of the teachers at the 2019 Yund...
This is the full video of "2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Graduation Ceremony"...
I am the hero at the time... Children, come on, win!...
From the day you stepped into the campus, you gave the children endless care, and...