小学毕业考(五华区统考)成绩全部下来了:语文97.5、数学99、英语100。因毕业考比较重要,自己做了一个统计:闺女总成绩再次荣登第一!不~容~易,祝贺女儿! 学校的学习告一段落,...
和高考时间同步,学校六年级举行了最后一次毕业模拟考(昨天和今天),现在成绩刚刚知晓:语文96、英语96、数学97,全班第一名!功夫不负有心人,闺女,咱们继续加油! 记录于2016-...
Take a group photo with Coach Hu and the children from Gejiu Hualin Martial Arts School...
Aya, as the last outstanding player, was invited to participate in the launching ceremony of the "Second Season of the Chinese Dream for Teenagers"......
Thanks to the teacher, Father Feiying took the children to sing "Teacher, Teacher" 2010 at the graduation ceremony...
Preparing for the June 1 “Food Street” Pizza Big Sale...
女儿的纸杯花,感觉色彩运用不错,图画的表达和构思有自己的想法,特别是右上角拽着气球飞翔的小女孩画出了意境! 记录于2016-5-29...
Childhood, the starting point of life, is a beautiful memory like a dream; childh...
The competition venue for martial arts and other sports in the Games was so coinc...
The following is the wonderful performance video of the teachers at the 2019 Yund...
This is the full video of "2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Graduation Ceremony"...
I am the hero at the time... Children, come on, win!...
From the day you stepped into the campus, you gave the children endless care, and...