我看到的云大附中......现实很骨感,竞争很激烈,可怜天下父母心! 希望学校能真正选优、培优、公正公开、名符其实。能远离社会大染缸,为了下一代,做最纯粹的教育! 记录于2016-4-...
我拍她们,她们也拍我 我给乐队的老师交流,照片上这位胖同学,主动找到我介绍自己,作为乐队队长,滔滔不绝给我介绍起乐队创办的经历,用笔记本让我留下联系方式,说有演出一...
事情一件接一件英语口语比赛又来了 成绩刚刚公布,进决赛了,这次没帮孩子策划,两个小伙伴自己努力的结果! 记录于2016-4-9...
Nick and Judy painted by Aya today...
Kindergarten Fun Memories...
上一次去野鸭湖玩,是十年前的事了! 海盗船的VIP待遇都被阿雅享受了 愉快的一天 2016-3-20...
老师要求集中每个同学2015的校内外重大比赛的奖状。昨天晚上整理了一下,才发现:2015年,阿雅的锻炼和收获还真不少! 从2月初就忙到了年底,两个假期都用在了学习和比赛锻炼上。...
授之以鱼不如授之以渔!十年前就准备好的书,现在终于用上了! 2016-2-29...
Childhood, the starting point of life, is a beautiful memory like a dream; childh...
The competition venue for martial arts and other sports in the Games was so coinc...
The following is the wonderful performance video of the teachers at the 2019 Yund...
This is the full video of "2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Graduation Ceremony"...
I am the hero at the time... Children, come on, win!...
From the day you stepped into the campus, you gave the children endless care, and...