很喜欢这样一段话:真正的朋友,不依靠事业、祸福和身份,不依靠经历、方位和处境,它在本性上拒绝功利,拒绝归属,拒绝契约,它是独立人格之间的互相呼应和确认。它使人们独而不孤,互相解读自己存在的意义。 于我而言,每天总感觉有很多事情要去做,总是忙到疏于和朋友联系,朋友能打个电话问寒问暖,能买上电影票,邀约两家人一起去看场电影,不失为一种幸福啊,谢谢朋友了,我这还是第一次看4D电影! |
很喜欢这样一段话:真正的朋友,不依靠事业、祸福和身份,不依靠经历、方位和处境,它在本性上拒绝功利,拒绝归属,拒绝契约,它是独立人格之间的互相呼应和确认。它使人们独而不孤,互相解读自己存在的意义。 于我而言,每天总感觉有很多事情要去做,总是忙到疏于和朋友联系,朋友能打个电话问寒问暖,能买上电影票,邀约两家人一起去看场电影,不失为一种幸福啊,谢谢朋友了,我这还是第一次看4D电影! |
"Anecdote of Flying Eagles on the Internet... Story of Net Name" is the work of t...
There is such a book, and I want to read it again, so I treasure it, hoping to ap...
Today is Mother's Day, I published this article and gave it to my mother. Happy H...
The following is the wonderful performance video of the teachers at the 2019 Yund...
Thank you for your help, both teachers and friends, friendship will last forever!...
My mother was able to eat by herself three days after the operation. The surgery ...