Time passes like flowing water - Guarding the life of those eternal values!【网际飞鹰】

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  • [Taste of life] A chess relationship with a chess friend from Kunming University of Science and Technology Date:2018-06-04 15:13:05 Clicks:105 Good reviews:1

    Chess, like guitar playing and singing, is a hobby I can't bear to give up. For various reasons, I haven't been able to touch it again for more than 15 years! Because the child needs to prepare for the high school entrance examination, he temporarily moved to Kunming (Kunming Institute of Technology...

  • [Taste of life] 我们下的都是施華洛世奇水晶 Date:2018-02-05 16:19:00 Clicks:305 Good reviews:1

    北方下的叫雪,而我們雲南就厲害了,我们下的都是施華洛世奇水晶! 照片来源于朋友圈 2018-2-5...

  • [Taste of life] 没有除冰经验,谢谢热心的师傅朋友 Date:2018-02-05 13:07:00 Clicks:206 Good reviews:1

    来开车才发现整个前档被冰冻住了,没有经验,在开暖风吹... 之前,和守车的师傅处成了朋友,对方主动抬来了一盆冷水,告诉:热水玻璃容易裂!帮我浇下并清理,今天天冷,但有些...

  • [Parent-child time] The conscience price of Yunnan University canteen Date:2018-01-14 15:34:00 Clicks:214 Good reviews:2

    2.2 yuan a bowl of rice noodles, the conscience price of Yunda canteen for many years! I haven't been here for a long time. It's affordable and convenient. Come and enjoy the benefits of the students of the High School Affiliated to Yunda University on weekends......

  • [Music hobby] From the tape collection ~ bask in our youthful years! Date:2017-12-20 14:56:00 Clicks:400 Good reviews:2

    Everyone has hobbies in life and stories of youth, which are all in one bag. Tapes and music have filled me with optimism about life, and at the same time, I have become more calm and thoughtful....

  • [Parent-child time] 给云南学生武术队制作的视频出炉啦 Date:2017-09-14 13:47:00 Clicks:235 Good reviews:0


  • [Parent-child time] 岁月如梭,又添一岁 Date:2017-08-12 15:51:00 Clicks:191 Good reviews:1


  • [Parent-child time] 学习茶道 Date:2017-07-31 15:42:58 Clicks:183 Good reviews:2

    鼓励女儿假期学习一下茶道。今天下午,考验了一下女儿:30分钟自己网上学习,5分钟茶道演讲,10分钟茶具清洗、连接和准备,然后开始讲解和实作...... 第一次喝到了女儿泡的功夫茶...

  • [Children’s funny] Children are the future of the motherland Date:2017-07-14 14:36:00 Clicks:148 Good reviews:2

    I took it in two different places, guess where?...

  • [Thanksgiving heart] I designed a class reunion roll-up Date:2016-06-12 12:03:00 Clicks:319 Good reviews:1

    This 25th anniversary class reunion, our two classmates from Yunnan are the hosts, and I am more responsible. Therefore, I have been fully devoted and carefully prepared for this profound classmate friendship! The following is the classmate reunion roll-up that I designed and customized online, whic...

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