Time passes like flowing water - Guarding the life of those eternal values!【网际飞鹰】

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  • [Parent-child time] 自弹自唱《啊童年》 Date:2015-10-16 14:08:00 Clicks:241 Good reviews:1

    十多年后,为了帮助孩子,重拾吉他!这是我互联网上发表的第一个自弹自唱的视频,对自己有一定纪念意义!勿喷 腾讯备链 这次国庆节,旅游过程中试着给阿雅录了《啊童年》的好...

  • [Parent-child time] 2015 National Day Self-driving Parent-Child Tour Date:2015-10-08 22:33:00 Clicks:892 Good reviews:2

    In order to prevent traffic jams on the National Day, we left Kunming at 0:35 in the morning, and the National Day holiday self-driving parent-child tour began......

  • [Friendship] 又是秋游季 Date:2015-09-30 19:06:00 Clicks:351 Good reviews:0

    又是秋游季孩子们的快乐时光又开始了! 记录于2015-9-30...

  • [Mood diary] 做父母,真不容易! Date:2015-09-15 18:29:00 Clicks:270 Good reviews:0

    做父母,真不容易!无需文字累述,经历过,就能感受...... 六年级,你的孩子课外开小灶了吗?!...

  • [Personal Talent] 女儿设计的班徽 Date:2015-09-07 18:04:00 Clicks:325 Good reviews:1

    班徽发下来了,采用的是阿雅的完整设计方案。阿雅手绘,太阳花笑得很可爱,设计和太阳花中队很贴近,敢想、敢画、敢参与,首先就值得肯定,祝贺! 记录于2015-9-7...

  • [Parent-child time] 开学了 Date:2015-08-31 17:56:00 Clicks:295 Good reviews:1

    六年,校园门口的情景一幕幕再现!长大了,思绪止不住地在时光隧道中穿梭,除了感慨,还是感慨!用青春换成长,这不是一种智慧,但现实如此,也只能如此 记录于2015-8-31...

  • [Parent-child time] Daguanlou summer tour Date:2015-08-20 17:38:00 Clicks:356 Good reviews:1

    Today, we took some time to accompany Aya to the new Yunnan Provincial Museum, went to Guandu Ancient Town to eat Guandu Baba, and went to Daguanlou to let the children have fun....

  • [Taste of life] 中年的我需要坚强 Date:2015-08-12 16:46:00 Clicks:484 Good reviews:0


  • [Thanks] 特别感谢大陈老师小陈老师 Date:2015-08-02 16:20:00 Clicks:381 Good reviews:1

    特别特别感谢:5年多来引导和陪伴阿雅在武术道路上一步步成长的大陈老师和小陈老师,感恩您们对爱徒的潜心指导和无私的付出! 这次《少年中国梦》电视大赛武术串烧节目的排练...

  • [Thanks] 感谢老师朋友对阿雅的关心和厚爱 Date:2015-08-02 16:12:00 Clicks:300 Good reviews:1

    真心感谢几位老师和朋友对阿雅的关心和厚爱! 记录于2015-8-2...

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