这是学校自己组织的【焦点】缅怀英烈 爱我中华! 这是在西南联大(云南师范大学)组织的纪念活动,在微信里留存一下 记录于2015-11-30...
一年半又过去了,迟迟拖下来的一件事!要改行?需要选择和放弃?不想,也希望不会,但必须开始,因为时不我待、失不再来!那么,让我开始学习,抢先介入吧! 还好,谢谢大家关...
In order to prevent traffic jams on the National Day, we left Kunming at 0:35 in the morning, and the National Day holiday self-driving parent-child tour began......
又是秋游季孩子们的快乐时光又开始了! 记录于2015-9-30...
做父母,真不容易!无需文字累述,经历过,就能感受...... 六年级,你的孩子课外开小灶了吗?!...
六年,校园门口的情景一幕幕再现!长大了,思绪止不住地在时光隧道中穿梭,除了感慨,还是感慨!用青春换成长,这不是一种智慧,但现实如此,也只能如此 记录于2015-8-31...
Today, we took some time to accompany Aya to the new Yunnan Provincial Museum, went to Guandu Ancient Town to eat Guandu Baba, and went to Daguanlou to let the children have fun....
Childhood, the starting point of life, is a beautiful memory like a dream; childh...
This is the full video of "2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Graduation Ceremony"...
I am the hero at the time... Children, come on, win!...
Thank you for your help, both teachers and friends, friendship will last forever!...
In the 2019 100-day sprint swearing-in meeting, I recorded these valuable video m...
Thank you so much for the High School Affiliated to Yunda University! My daughter...