谨记班主任王老师家长会上提醒的技巧和方法,稳固基础,开拓思维,继续努力。加油,女儿! 2017-11-10...
This summer vacation is the "hardest" vacation for our little family! Aya has worked hard with her father, but the bitterness comes first, and the future you will definitely thank yourself for your brave struggle today!...
鼓励女儿假期学习一下茶道。今天下午,考验了一下女儿:30分钟自己网上学习,5分钟茶道演讲,10分钟茶具清洗、连接和准备,然后开始讲解和实作...... 第一次喝到了女儿泡的功夫茶...
这是女儿亲手制作并送给我的小花 各位已为人父的男同胞们,节日快乐!祝你们的生活像花一样,有滋有味、多姿多彩!有一首歌叫《男人好难》,有空听听。向老男人们致敬!祝生活...
When the child grows up and encounters difficulties, he can turn back, listen, think, and realize, maybe he will understand the profound intention of his father!...
It is hoped that through the exercise and learning of martial arts, children can understand the traditional Chinese culture and the spirit of martial arts, and become young dreamers who have both political integrity and ability, are strong and courageous, studious, independent and innovative, and he...
云附课堂体验考试的特殊的时刻,祝愿女儿考试成功顺利、心想事成! 2016-7-2 8:45 有家长说:决战模式开启!~还是很恰当的。现在第二科已经开始考试,祝女儿一切顺利! ...
备战课堂体验课 纵使有千万个不愿意,还是必须得面对 记录于2016-6-25...
小学毕业考(五华区统考)成绩全部下来了:语文97.5、数学99、英语100。因毕业考比较重要,自己做了一个统计:闺女总成绩再次荣登第一!不~容~易,祝贺女儿! 学校的学习告一段落,...
Childhood, the starting point of life, is a beautiful memory like a dream; childh...
2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Parents Open Day, Yunda Affiliated Middle Schoo...
This is the full video of "2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Graduation Ceremony"...
I am the hero at the time... Children, come on, win!...
From the day you stepped into the campus, you gave the children endless care, and...
In the 2019 100-day sprint swearing-in meeting, I recorded these valuable video m...