恭喜女儿,期末考总成绩:班级第一名,附中年级排名第34名。单科中:语文、物理、政治三个单科班级第一。孩子辛苦过,需要及时鼓励和肯定,但我的女儿,从成绩单上就可看出:1、2名间就只差0.5分,年排就相差好多名,3、4名只差0.2,年排就到了60名以下……应试教育,竞争激烈!还需继续扎实基础、稳定成绩。 “路漫漫其修远兮、汝将上下而求索”,加油,及时找出各科不足,新学期、新征程,祝福女儿!
恭喜女儿,期末考总成绩:班级第一名,附中年级排名第34名。单科中:语文、物理、政治三个单科班级第一。孩子辛苦过,需要及时鼓励和肯定,但我的女儿,从成绩单上就可看出:1、2名间就只差0.5分,年排就相差好多名,3、4名只差0.2,年排就到了60名以下……应试教育,竞争激烈!还需继续扎实基础、稳定成绩。 “路漫漫其修远兮、汝将上下而求索”,加油,及时找出各科不足,新学期、新征程,祝福女儿!
2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Parents Open Day, Yunda Affiliated Middle Schoo...
This is the full video of "2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Graduation Ceremony"...
I am the hero at the time... Children, come on, win!...
From the day you stepped into the campus, you gave the children endless care, and...
In the 2019 100-day sprint swearing-in meeting, I recorded these valuable video m...
Thank you so much for the High School Affiliated to Yunda University! My daughter...