篮球比赛现场,快乐、可爱的孩子们 记录于2015-11-28...
又是秋游季孩子们的快乐时光又开始了! 记录于2015-9-30...
看看孩子们的表演、创意与欢乐! 2015-9-30...
班徽发下来了,采用的是阿雅的完整设计方案。阿雅手绘,太阳花笑得很可爱,设计和太阳花中队很贴近,敢想、敢画、敢参与,首先就值得肯定,祝贺! 记录于2015-9-7...
特别特别感谢:5年多来引导和陪伴阿雅在武术道路上一步步成长的大陈老师和小陈老师,感恩您们对爱徒的潜心指导和无私的付出! 这次《少年中国梦》电视大赛武术串烧节目的排练...
一起到土耳其艺术交流访问的其中三个小朋友在比赛现场又见面了,一年过去了,孩子们都长大许多,祝福孩子们! 记录于2015-7-15...
祝小家伙六一快乐、天天快乐! 今天上午学校和班级搞活动,收到了很多同学的礼物,阿雅很开心!最后一个是我送的,我基本是过节、不过节都在送,所以稀里糊涂把六一节搞忘了,...
武术班周末聚会,热心的家长团和快乐的孩子们,还有我们尊敬的两位陈老师......快乐亲子时光,在这里收藏! 记录于2015年5月...
Aya is participating in the "Youth Chinese Dream" talent competition of Yunnan TV Station......
今天阿雅们春游,再次跳起小苹果,玩游戏、演节目、拌凉米线苦了老师,乐了孩子!借用洛老师照片,莫怪[呲牙] 记录于2015-4-29...
2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Parents Open Day, Yunda Affiliated Middle Schoo...
Thank you so much for the High School Affiliated to Yunda University! My daughter...
I am grateful to the school for giving my daughter the opportunity to temper the ...
Responding in unison and seeking the same spirit, it is rare to have such neighbo...
At this sports meeting, I saw your busy figure for the class! Dare to provoke the...
The children are excited and looking forward to the last spring outing in the jun...