Time passes like flowing water - Guarding the life of those eternal values!【网际飞鹰】

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  • [Parent-child time] 2018 Spring Festival Guangdong Hong Kong Self-driving Tour Date:2018-02-23 18:10:00 Clicks:1516 Good reviews:11

    Friends are like alcohol, strong and easy to get drunk; friends are like flowers, fragrant and elegant; friends are autumn rain, delicate and poetic; friends are plums in December, pure and proud. A friend is not a book, it is more beautiful than a book; a friend is not a song, it is more beautiful ...

  • [Parent-child time] The conscience price of Yunnan University canteen Date:2018-01-14 15:34:00 Clicks:214 Good reviews:2

    2.2 yuan a bowl of rice noodles, the conscience price of Yunda canteen for many years! I haven't been here for a long time. It's affordable and convenient. Come and enjoy the benefits of the students of the High School Affiliated to Yunda University on weekends......

  • [Growth record] The First Campus Aerobics Championship in Yunnan Province won the championship Date:2017-11-25 18:36:00 Clicks:1449 Good reviews:2

    To compete two sets of aerobics and one set of cheerleading, it is said that it will not end until ten o'clock in the evening, which is not easy! The competition is fierce, I wish Yunda High School a good result!...

  • [Parent-child time] Advice for daughters in sports games Date:2017-11-16 16:38:00 Clicks:607 Good reviews:2

    Dad has a few thoughts he would like to share with his daughter......

  • [Parent-child time] 谈谈我们家的电视 Date:2017-11-13 16:06:00 Clicks:326 Good reviews:1


  • [Parent-child time] 参加家长会 Date:2017-11-10 15:54:00 Clicks:179 Good reviews:1

    谨记班主任王老师家长会上提醒的技巧和方法,稳固基础,开拓思维,继续努力。加油,女儿! 2017-11-10...

  • [Parent-child time] The “hardest” holiday for the whole family Date:2017-09-01 15:03:00 Clicks:193 Good reviews:3

    This summer vacation is the "hardest" vacation for our little family! Aya has worked hard with her father, but the bitterness comes first, and the future you will definitely thank yourself for your brave struggle today!...

  • [Parent-child time] 岁月如梭,又添一岁 Date:2017-08-12 15:51:00 Clicks:191 Good reviews:1


  • [Parent-child time] 学习茶道 Date:2017-07-31 15:42:58 Clicks:183 Good reviews:2

    鼓励女儿假期学习一下茶道。今天下午,考验了一下女儿:30分钟自己网上学习,5分钟茶道演讲,10分钟茶具清洗、连接和准备,然后开始讲解和实作...... 第一次喝到了女儿泡的功夫茶...

  • [Parent-child time] 父亲节女儿送给我的小花 Date:2017-06-18 15:06:00 Clicks:201 Good reviews:1

    这是女儿亲手制作并送给我的小花 各位已为人父的男同胞们,节日快乐!祝你们的生活像花一样,有滋有味、多姿多彩!有一首歌叫《男人好难》,有空听听。向老男人们致敬!祝生活...

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