武术班周末聚会,热心的家长团和快乐的孩子们,还有我们尊敬的两位陈老师......快乐亲子时光,在这里收藏! 记录于2015年5月...
买了两套手机KTV用的小装备,准备和阿雅学习之余享受音乐,从此开始我们父女的音乐之旅 听听女儿用这套话筒录的《去远方》,第一次为阿雅录制网络歌曲,听,童声就这么美好 童...
介个官渡古镇还是蛮不错滴 记录于2015-5...
今天昆明特别热,孩子后天要英语决赛,去不了哪儿,到海埂大坝吹吹风 记录于2015-5-1...
今天女儿参加阳光心霖举办的英语口语大赛,比赛紧张激烈。午餐间隙,我带女儿吃了大汉堡,放松心情并给予鼓励。 记录于2015-3-28...
生长,其实就是挣扎向上,多方进取;起步时,也许冷清孤单,然而,越过了曲折考验,成就会是一个千姿百态的景观。 腾讯备链 阿雅贝贝武术演绎歌曲《生命的挑战》 2015-2-26...
有点受宠若惊,省武术协会信产部钟教练把要卖的李宁比赛服给阿雅穿上,剪掉标签,说比赛完再还!感谢对阿雅的厚爱! 记录于2015-2-12...
第一次想起来给阿雅拍一组武术动作照。最近一直和孩子一起为2015云南省武术冠军赛做准备。省级比赛高手云集,希望阿雅在过程中能得到锻炼和成长! 孩子已在外训练五年,连续两年...
On the weekend, all the photos and information of the 7-day National Day self-driving tour in 3 provinces were sorted out, and classified and planned by date. This is a bold travel decision, and it is also the most well-prepared holiday trip for Eagle....
2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Parents Open Day, Yunda Affiliated Middle Schoo...
In the 2019 100-day sprint swearing-in meeting, I recorded these valuable video m...
I am grateful to the school for giving my daughter the opportunity to temper the ...
Responding in unison and seeking the same spirit, it is rare to have such neighbo...
At this sports meeting, I saw your busy figure for the class! Dare to provoke the...
Congrats to my daughter, the final exam results: the first place in the class, an...