Time passes like flowing water - Guarding the life of those eternal values!【网际飞鹰】

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  • [Growth record] Invited to participate in the launching ceremony of the “Second Season of the Chinese Dream for Tee Date:2016-06-04 19:19:00 Clicks:162 Good reviews:2

    Aya, as the last outstanding player, was invited to participate in the launching ceremony of the "Second Season of the Chinese Dream for Teenagers"......

  • [Growth record] Alisa's first gourmet shop Date:2016-06-01 18:33:00 Clicks:320 Good reviews:2

    After a hard night of preparation and excitement, I can finally participate in the food street event!...

  • [Growth record] I was twelve years old Date:2016-04-10 21:55:00 Clicks:1029 Good reviews:2

    I was twelve years old...

  • [Special moment] 看看中考这阵势! Date:2016-03-21 22:45:00 Clicks:180 Good reviews:0


  • [Growth record] 忙碌的寒假生活 Date:2016-02-27 18:35:00 Clicks:200 Good reviews:1


  • [Taste of life] 家庭激励用语 Date:2016-02-18 18:30:00 Clicks:161 Good reviews:0

    2016年,家里贴了两个励志用语。第一个给女儿,第二个给me。一起加油! 记录于2016-2-18...

  • [Heart words] 本命年平安顺利 Date:2016-02-18 18:24:00 Clicks:277 Good reviews:1

    今年是大小猴子的本命年,希望都能健康、平安、顺利! 记录于2016-2-18...

  • [See the world] “科学嘉年华”展览及活动 Date:2015-12-20 18:46:00 Clicks:162 Good reviews:1

    带阿雅参加了 云南省青少年科技中心举办 的科学嘉年华展览及活动。学习科学,实践科学,才能创新科学!我也跟着受益了 记录于2015-12-20...

  • [Thanks] 再回云大幼儿园 Date:2015-12-14 18:20:00 Clicks:296 Good reviews:0

    本周没下雪前,带阿雅去了一趟云大幼儿园。这是阿雅自毕业后,第一次踏进幼儿园校门。虽近在咫尺,却没能回去看看,一晃就是六年! 幼儿园还是那么亲切,干净整洁、井然有序,...

  • [Friendship] 孩子们的优秀作品 Date:2015-12-14 18:01:00 Clicks:256 Good reviews:1

    小小的纸杯,也能做出传递着浓浓感恩和情意的优秀作品。这就是好老师的力量!衷心感谢洛老师,同时也要谢谢孩子们的无限创意与惊喜....... 记录于2015-12-14...

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