Time passes like flowing water - Guarding the life of those eternal values!【网际飞鹰】

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  • [Parent-child time] 学习茶道 Date:2017-07-31 15:42:58 Clicks:183 Good reviews:2

    鼓励女儿假期学习一下茶道。今天下午,考验了一下女儿:30分钟自己网上学习,5分钟茶道演讲,10分钟茶具清洗、连接和准备,然后开始讲解和实作...... 第一次喝到了女儿泡的功夫茶...

  • [Children’s funny] Children are the future of the motherland Date:2017-07-14 14:36:00 Clicks:148 Good reviews:2

    I took it in two different places, guess where?...

  • [Parent-child time] 父亲节女儿送给我的小花 Date:2017-06-18 15:06:00 Clicks:201 Good reviews:1

    这是女儿亲手制作并送给我的小花 各位已为人父的男同胞们,节日快乐!祝你们的生活像花一样,有滋有味、多姿多彩!有一首歌叫《男人好难》,有空听听。向老男人们致敬!祝生活...

  • [Heart words] Emotional shorts for daughters on Father's Day 2017 Date:2017-06-14 21:47:00 Clicks:312 Good reviews:2

    When the child grows up and encounters difficulties, he can turn back, listen, think, and realize, maybe he will understand the profound intention of his father!...

  • [Growth record] 毕业的留恋与不舍 Date:2016-06-15 21:01:00 Clicks:189 Good reviews:1


  • [Thanksgiving heart] I designed a class reunion roll-up Date:2016-06-12 12:03:00 Clicks:319 Good reviews:1

    This 25th anniversary class reunion, our two classmates from Yunnan are the hosts, and I am more responsible. Therefore, I have been fully devoted and carefully prepared for this profound classmate friendship! The following is the classmate reunion roll-up that I designed and customized online, whic...

  • [Growth record] 最后一次毕业模拟考成绩全班第一 Date:2016-06-08 19:56:00 Clicks:168 Good reviews:1

    和高考时间同步,学校六年级举行了最后一次毕业模拟考(昨天和今天),现在成绩刚刚知晓:语文96、英语96、数学97,全班第一名!功夫不负有心人,闺女,咱们继续加油! 记录于2016-...

  • [Growth record] Preparing for the June 1 “Food Street” Pizza Big Sale Date:2016-05-31 18:14:00 Clicks:206 Good reviews:2

    Preparing for the June 1 “Food Street” Pizza Big Sale...

  • [Boutique content] Nick and Judy painted by Aya today Date:2016-04-03 15:07:00 Clicks:275 Good reviews:2

    Nick and Judy painted by Aya today...

  • [Taste of life] 流浪猫有家了! Date:2016-03-27 21:51:00 Clicks:347 Good reviews:1


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