鼓励女儿假期学习一下茶道。今天下午,考验了一下女儿:30分钟自己网上学习,5分钟茶道演讲,10分钟茶具清洗、连接和准备,然后开始讲解和实作...... 第一次喝到了女儿泡的功夫茶...
I took it in two different places, guess where?...
这是女儿亲手制作并送给我的小花 各位已为人父的男同胞们,节日快乐!祝你们的生活像花一样,有滋有味、多姿多彩!有一首歌叫《男人好难》,有空听听。向老男人们致敬!祝生活...
When the child grows up and encounters difficulties, he can turn back, listen, think, and realize, maybe he will understand the profound intention of his father!...
This 25th anniversary class reunion, our two classmates from Yunnan are the hosts, and I am more responsible. Therefore, I have been fully devoted and carefully prepared for this profound classmate friendship! The following is the classmate reunion roll-up that I designed and customized online, whic...
和高考时间同步,学校六年级举行了最后一次毕业模拟考(昨天和今天),现在成绩刚刚知晓:语文96、英语96、数学97,全班第一名!功夫不负有心人,闺女,咱们继续加油! 记录于2016-...
Preparing for the June 1 “Food Street” Pizza Big Sale...
Nick and Judy painted by Aya today...
懂你,是一种难言的柔情, 入心 入肺, 入骨 入髓。 懂得,即使...
亲爱的姑娘。 看不进书的时候照照镜子。 查查银行卡余额。 想...
Sonata is a genre of music. In the history of classical music, this musical genre...
Today is Mother's Day, I published this article and gave it to my mother. Happy H...