班级包饺子活动开始啦……一个好老师、好班主任带出的班级就是不一样,衷心感谢洛老师!谢谢您发给我的九张照片,让我得以在朋友圈里分享这份喜悦。同时,还要谢谢10位孩子的妈妈,您们为此次活动如此操劳,从早上六点就开始准备食材,一直忙到下午5点,十分感动与感谢!谢谢班集体给我们的这份温馨和感动!孩子们,你们太棒了! 记录于2016-1-15 |
班级包饺子活动开始啦……一个好老师、好班主任带出的班级就是不一样,衷心感谢洛老师!谢谢您发给我的九张照片,让我得以在朋友圈里分享这份喜悦。同时,还要谢谢10位孩子的妈妈,您们为此次活动如此操劳,从早上六点就开始准备食材,一直忙到下午5点,十分感动与感谢!谢谢班集体给我们的这份温馨和感动!孩子们,你们太棒了! 记录于2016-1-15 |
“Edelweiss”Flying Eagle and Daughter Playing and Singing Guitar...
Childhood, the starting point of life, is a beautiful memory like a dream; childh...
2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Parents Open Day, Yunda Affiliated Middle Schoo...
The following is the wonderful performance video of the teachers at the 2019 Yund...
From the day you stepped into the campus, you gave the children endless care, and...
Thank you for your help, both teachers and friends, friendship will last forever!...