小学毕业考(五华区统考)成绩全部下来了:语文97.5、数学99、英语100。因毕业考比较重要,自己做了一个统计:闺女总成绩再次荣登第一!不~容~易,祝贺女儿! 学校的学习告一段落,...
和高考时间同步,学校六年级举行了最后一次毕业模拟考(昨天和今天),现在成绩刚刚知晓:语文96、英语96、数学97,全班第一名!功夫不负有心人,闺女,咱们继续加油! 记录于2016-...
After a hard night of preparation and excitement, I can finally participate in the food street event!...
Yesterday, I fulfilled my father's promise many years ago - to hold a birthday party for Aya in the year of graduation...
I was twelve years old...
事情一件接一件英语口语比赛又来了 成绩刚刚公布,进决赛了,这次没帮孩子策划,两个小伙伴自己努力的结果! 记录于2016-4-9...
老师要求集中每个同学2015的校内外重大比赛的奖状。昨天晚上整理了一下,才发现:2015年,阿雅的锻炼和收获还真不少! 从2月初就忙到了年底,两个假期都用在了学习和比赛锻炼上。...
这是昨天晚上阿雅的杰作。全程自己创意并制作,阿雅牌比萨味道真的棒棒哒! 原材料也是自己购买(爸爸协助),大、中、小、微型号比萨个个味美!真心感叹自己将来的口福...... 记录...
2019 Yunda Affiliated High School Parents Open Day, Yunda Affiliated Middle Schoo...
The following is the wonderful performance video of the teachers at the 2019 Yund...
I am the hero at the time... Children, come on, win!...
In the 2019 100-day sprint swearing-in meeting, I recorded these valuable video m...
Thank you so much for the High School Affiliated to Yunda University! My daughter...
The primary school obtained the national second-level athlete qualification, and ...