1.人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇 如果人生的很多事,很多的境遇,很多的人,都还如初见时的模样该多好呀!若只是初见,一切美好都不会遗失。 很多时候,初见,惊艳; 蓦然回首,...
今天父亲节,至少抽点时间,给他打个电话:爸,你好好的! 相比母爱,父爱显得更为深沉含蓄,总是那么不善于表达,却又无处不在。今天是父亲节,你是否已经向父亲表达过感谢?...
生于60年代 一批横跨47岁到56岁的人; 一批有点高傲有点自卑的人; 一批有过崇高理想的人; 一批喜欢怀旧的人; 一批开始祭奠青春的人。 生于60年代,是最后一拨这样的人: 是最后...
Grateful for the shortcomings of this world, I like these words!...
I don't know, what fashion is this? I only know: in this materialistic era, the beliefs of life and the values of society have really changed!...
At 2:00 a.m. on August 13, the high school classmates heard from the constantly ringing information prompts that there was an earthquake in my hometown, and the earthquake was strong! I was worried and worried about my parents for a while, but I had no sleepiness. I called my parents many times to a...
Parents must watch this blockbuster! In the thriller and suspense, it is better to go well!...
这就是我的周末励志生活...... 记录于2017-12-9...
1.人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇 如果人生的很多事,很多的...
生于60年代 一批横跨47岁到56岁的人; 一批有点高傲有点自卑的...
Grateful for the shortcomings of this world, I like these words!...
I don't know, what fashion is this? I only know: in this materialistic era, the b...